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11/05/2020 Week 5


Creative Projects – Ideas and Resources


The projects this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about the world’s rainforests. Learning may focus on the plants, animals and insects that inhabit the rainforest, food that originates there and weather patterns. It could look at plants and animals that can be found in the garden too.


  • Fascinating Forest Floor Can your child create their own replica forest floor? If you have some outside space, try collecting materials from the garden or during your daily exercise. You can then share photos of your creations with your teacher on class Dojo.


  • The Sounds of the Rainforests There are many wonderful and amazing sounds that can be heard in the rainforest. You can listen and watch real footage from a rainforest here or watch this BBC Our Planet clip. Which animal makes the most noise in the rainforest? Ask your child to record what sounds they can hear and to predict what animals the sounds have come from. Can your child replicate these sounds using objects from around the home?  


  • Where in the World are the Rainforests? Using an atlas or online map, can your child locate the continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America and South America)  where rainforests can be found? If this is too challenging, can your child locate one country with a rainforest, and then locate the UK. Ask them to describe the similarities and differences between the UK and the country they have located. 


  • The Big Garden Tidy Up Why not work together as a family and have a Big Garden Tidy Up? Task your child with pulling out weeds, raking up the leaves or just having a general tidy. Take before and after photographs and share them to Class Dojo! 


  • Sketch a Spider Monkey or a Tree Frog Can your child create a detailed sketch of an animal that inhabits the rainforest? Using pencils, crayons or whatever else you have, ask your child to copy an image of a rainforest animal, thinking carefully about the patterns and tones


  • Rainforest Insects Watch this video. There are lots of insects/mini-beasts in the rain forest. You can see some pictures of them here. Look for mini-beasts living in the garden or on a walk. What are these mini beasts called? Which one do you like the best and why? Try drawing pictures of the mini-beasts you find, and don’t forget to share them with your teacher on class Dojo!