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Further Information and support for Parents and Carers

Activity ideas to keep your young brains busy and your

growing bodies developing


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Share stories – retell and act them out
  • Make bread/challah/cakes together
  • Chop the vegetables for dinner together
  • Give your children responsibility to help with household chores – spray the window cleaner and clean the windows is a favourite!
  • Look at Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube and join in together
  • Sharing a family meal and talk about your day.

Physical Development

  • Threading pasta on to wool or string
  • Water play in the bath – scooping, pouring and measuring
  • Design a treasure hunt around the house
  • Junk modelling
  • Make playdough together This is how!
  • Musical movement games – like musical statues
  • Lego and block play.  Plan to build something and see if you can follow your plan
  • Make sensory tray with shaving foam, soap, jelly etc
  • Painting with water in the garden
  • Read Write Inc. Phonics 
  • Rough and tumble play
  • Building dens and tunnels with blankets and under the kitchen table

Communication and Language

  • Storytelling with homemade puppets – use old socks, lolly stick and straws
  • Singing nursery rhymes and action songs, such as Simon Says
  • Make music with saucepans and pots
  • Play guessing games – such as think of an animal and model giving clues to help your child guess the animal
  • Play memory games or  board games


  • Pairing socks
  • Playing board games with dice and counters
  • Bigger and Smaller games – describing the 3 Billy Goats Gruff or using Goldilocks
  • Add numbers to pegs and get your child to help order them
  • Measuring ingredients to cook/ help make dinner
  • Sing number songs
  • Sorting toys by colour or shape
  • Sorting coins playing money games like shops
  • Build train tracks in different shapes
  • Build towers from blocks – how many blocks did you use? Can you use the same blocks to build a different tower?
  • Make a bowling game with recycled items at home


  • Share lots and lots of story books and talk about what is happening on each page
  • Play lotto games – matching pictures
  • Sing songs
  • Hide an object in a ‘mystery bag’ and give clues to what might be inside
  • Tap out syllables to break up your name on musical instruments

Understanding the World

  • Blowing bubbles
  • Make bread or pizzas for the family to share
  • Read information books on frogs and chicks etc.
  • Hunt for bugs in the garden
  • Use Nature Detectives for lots of exciting activities to do at home:
  • Planting seeds such as cress – and watching them grow
  • Look at science experiments for Early Years
  • Observe the weather each day and make a weather chart
  • Observe the changes of the seasons
  • Make a family tree – who is in your family
  • Freeze small toys in ice – and work out how to get them out of the ice
  • Feed the birds in the garden and keep a tally of which birds visit your garden
  • Make seed bombs by mixing seeds with clay to make a small ball.  Dry them out and wrap to give as presents.  Make a label to attach.

Expressive Art and Design

  • Dancing to music – make up a family routine
  • Sing familiar songs and make up your own words to nursery rhyme tunes
  • Make shakers with pasta or rice in pots
  • Make your own paint with shaving foam or coloured ice
  • Make props for your favourite story and act it out together
  • Rough and tumble play
  • Building dens and tunnels with blankets and under the kitchen table


This is not a tick list for you to work down, choose your favourites and do them as many times as you like – repeating them is good!


We would love to hear all about your learning adventures at home!

Read Write Inc. Parent/Carer Leaflet