15/06/2020 Week 9
MATHS TASKS - Ideas and resources
General skills practice: Ask your child to find a book. Can they find three items which are longer than the book and three items which are shorter? Order the items from longest to shortest. Measure the items with non-standard units of measurement such as Lego bricks or cubes to compare the difference in lengths. Record these in a list.
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 1: Equal groups - Arrays
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 7 Day 1: Subtract using number facts
General skills practice: Can your child write down the name of each family member in order from tallest to shortest. Is the tallest person the oldest? Discuss why this might not be true. Challenge your child to measure family members using a measuring tape in cm, or in non-standard units of measurement such as using their hands or asking them to lay down on the floor and seeing how many feet it takes to measure them.
Complete the first page of Measure and record length and height by measuring a bed in hands, and measuring a bedroom with feet.
- Measure and record length and height
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 2: Equal groups - Doubles
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 7 Day 2: Add and subtract using number facts
General skills practice: Play level 1 of this fun measuring game to practise measuring things with a ruler in centimetres/cm. Use a ruler to measure ten things around your home that are shorter than it. Write down the measurements in centimetres (cm). Remember when using a ruler to start at 0.
Complete the space themed Meteor Measuring activity. Your child will need to measure each item along the black line using a ruler and measuring carefully.
- Meteor Measuring activity
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 3: Sharing
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 7 Day 3: Tell the time to the half hour
General skills practice: Look outside, in the garden or on your walk, can your child identify things that are taller and shorter than they are? Draw or record these. Challenge your child to find 10 things that are shorter and taller than you are. Complete the last page of Measure and record length and height, finding items in your home and measuring them to the nearest cm. Record these on the sheet.
- Measure and record length and height
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 4: Grouping
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 7 Day 4: Find the time half an hour later.
General skills practice: Begin with this game , using familiar 2D shapes to create other, larger shapes of animals. Have a go at this game to create patterns by selecting and rotating 2D shapes.
Can your child design a logo for a rocket? Using the 2D shapes on the Tessellating Patterns worksheet. Cut out the 2D shapes to use to draw around, Challenge your child to use them to make a logo in the same way as they did with the games above.
- Tessellating Patterns
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 5: Challenge of the week
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 7 Day 5: Tell the time to the half hour on analogue and digital clocks
Maths Games on-line
- Shapes in Space(To identify the properties of 2D shapes)
- Geoboard (To make geometric 3D shapes using the virtual elastic bands)
- Pattern shapes (To use 2D shapes to make pictures)
- Paint the squares (To paint the squares when counting in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s etc.
- On Time(To practise putting the hands on the clock to make the correct time)