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04/05/2020 Week 4

MATHS TASKS  - Ideas and resources


General skills practice: Play a board game together so that your child can practise their counting and the language of position and direction. Maybe ​Snakes and Ladders​? 

Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus:  Part-whole relationships: number bonds


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 4 Day 1: Add 10s to 2-digit numbers; Say numbers 10 more/less.  



General skills practice: Place an object on the ground and use positional language such as forward, backwards, up, down, left​ and ​right​ to direct them to the object. You could switch roles and get your child to give the directions. If you wanted to make it harder, you could use a blindfold but be extra careful! 

Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus:  Fact families: linking addition and subtraction


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 4 Day 2: Add 11/12 counting in 10s then 1s



General skills practice: Play ‘Catch’ with your child using a ball or anything else that can be thrown safely. Instead of counting in 1s each time the ball is caught, ask your child to count in 2’s, 5’s or 10’s.

Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus:  Add together and find a part


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 4 Day 3: Subtract 10s to 2-digit numbers; Say numbers 10 more/less



General skills practice: Encourage your child to play this​ NRICH activity​ to develop their understanding of positional language.

Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus:  Add more and count on within 20


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 4 Day 4: Measure height and length (using a non-standard uniform unit)



General skills practice: Each member of the family could have a go at the Long Jump. Ask your child to measure the length of each jump using a measuring tape and record the lengths. Who jumped the furthest? Who had the shortest jump? What was the difference between the shortest and longest jump?

Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus:  Challenge of the week


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 4 Day 5: Measure height and length (using a non-standard uniform unit)


Maths Games on-line