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13/07/2020 Week 13

MATHS TASKS  - Ideas and resources



Number bonds to 10 Begin by practising number bonds to 10. Look at the Number bonds to 10 jigsaw PowerPoint. Next look at this game and challenge your child to hit the correct button for each number bond to make 10. Next use a whiteboard and write a number between 1 and 10 and challenge your child to write the number bond to 10. After this, challenge your child to make number bonds to 8, e.g. 1+7, 2+6, 3+5, 4+4. Ask your child to work them out systematically in a list. Repeat with other number bonds to 5, 6, 7 etc. Finally, work through the Number bonds to 10 activity booklet.


  • Number bonds to 10 jigsaw PowerPoint.

  • Number bonds to 10 activity booklet

Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 1: Time: O’clock


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 13 Day 1: Number bonds to 10



Number bonds to the next 10 Review the work from yesterday and ask your child to quickly say the number bond to 10 as you call out any number between 1 and 10. Next explain that today you are still using number bonds, and are applying them to making larger numbers. Count out loud in 10s from 10 to 100. Next say 45 and ask your child to use their knowledge of number bonds to say the number bond to the next 10. Repeat with different numbers up to 100. Once you feel they have understood, look at this game to say the next ten and ask them how much you are adding each time.


  • Practise sheet mild/hot (Hamilton Trust day 2)

Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 2: Time: Half past


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 13 Day 2: How many to the next 10?



Bridging 10 Begin by explaining that we will be expanding on what we did yesterday and our knowledge of number bonds and making the ‘next 10’. Write the calculation 8 + 4 on a whiteboard. Ask how many we need to make the next 10? Next ask how many more we need to add a total of 4? Repeat with other calculations bridging the 10 boundary. Next write the calculation 17 + 5. How many to make 20? We have added 3, how many more do we need to add 5? Use a number line or a ruler to help your child visualise jumping to the next 10 and beyond. Finally ask you child to complete the Forwards Fred worksheet. Ask them to show the jump to the next 10 and then another jump to the total. 


  • Forwards Fred


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 3: Writing and measuring time



Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 13 Day  3: Bridging 10



Positional Language Begin by discussing what is meant by ‘positional’ language and the terms left, right, next to, under, above, below, and between. Ask your child to show you examples of these in the house such as looking for objects ‘to the left/right of’, as well as ‘above/below’ other items. E.g. What is below the window? What is to the right of the sofa etc. Next show the Positional language PowerPoint and ask your child to use positional language to tell you were each item is located. Finally complete the worksheet mild/hot from Hamilton Trust.


  • Practise sheet mild/hot (Hamilton Trust day 4)
  • Positional language PowerPoint.


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 4: Compare times.


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 13 Day 4: 3D shapes and position



3-D shapes and ½ and ¼ turns Begin by collecting some items from the kitchen such as a box of cornflakes and a tin of beans. Ask your child to tell you what shapes they can see on the tin. Can they find any circles? Ask where they are. Can they see a curved face around the outside of the tin? Next ask them what shape the faces are on the cereal box and how many there are altogether. Next ask them what shape a football is, and how many faces it has? Is it flat or curved? Next look at the PowerPoint Positional Language once more.  Ask them to stand up and to make one full turn. Can they make a ½ turn? Which way are they facing now? Ask them to make a ¼ turn. Can they make a ½ turn clockwise and anticlockwise? Finally complete the worksheet mild/hot from Hamilton Trust. Cut out the packets/tins and rotate them as instructed. 


  • Positional language PowerPoint.
  • Practise sheet mild/hot (Hamilton Trust day 5)


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 5: Challenge of the Week.


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 13 Day  5: 3-D shapes, ½ and ¼ turns.