11/05/2020 Week 5
MATHS TASKS - Ideas and resources
General skills practice: Collect a selection of items to compare their weight. Ask your child to estimate and make some predictions about the items they think will be heavier and lighter. Select two items to compare, make a prediction and then check to see which is heavier or lighter? Use < > and = to compare. Order items from lightest to heaviest.
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Add by making 10
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 5 Day 1: Developing calculation strategies by adding and subtracting 10s and 1s.
General skills practice: ● Play on Number Balance - play levels 1, 2 and 3. Make the scales equal by ensuring that both sides total the same value.
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: How to subtract numbers
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 5 Day 2: Developing calculation strategies by adding and subtracting 11 and 12
General skills practice: Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Support his by: chalking a grid on the floor and hop skip or jump in 2’s 5’s or 10’s; counting 2p, 5p and 10 p coins, play.
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Addition and subtraction word problems
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 5 Day 3: Compare and measure weights
General skills practice: Look out of your window, stand in your front garden or go for a walk with an adult and count how many cars go past. Make a tally chart of the colours? What is the most popular colour that passes? What is the least popular colour that passes? How many cars did you count altogether?
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: a + b > c and a + b > c + d
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 5 Day 4: Measuring lengths
General skills practice: Practise telling the time. Read to the hour and half hour This could be done through this game (scroll down to access the game).
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Challenge of the week
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 5 Day 5: Measures: finding the difference in lengths
Maths Games on-line
- Mental Maths Train (Top Marks – practising adding or subtracting 10)
- Alien Addition ( To practise mental maths addition to 20) NOT FLASH
- Minus Mission ( To practise mental maths subtractions to 20) NOT FLASH
- Bobby Bear (Problem solving)
- Tally Chart Game
- Telling the Time
- Happy Camel (comparing weights)
- Let’s Compare (Top Marks – comparing sizes)