Phase 5
11/05/2020 Week 5
We are continuing to revisit Phase 5 phonic sounds. As these sounds are digraphs (contain two letters) it can be a challenge for the children to remember them, especially when later on in Phase 5 when we will be learning alternative spellings for the same sound (e.g. ai, ay, ey etc.)
You can visit Phonicsplay, a website that is used often in school, and access it during this period for free using the following login and username. The activities to look for in phonicsplay are highlighted in blue.
Username: march20 Password: home
Grapheme oy (boy, joy, toy, soya, ahoy, loyal, destroy, cowboy, annoy, enjoy)
Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Write the grapheme oy together. Ask your child to say the phoneme, and write the grapheme in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Buried Treasure,Dragon's Den,Picnic on Pluto.
Read the following sentences together:
Can you annoy a boy?
Will a royal enjoy eating an oyster?
Will it be annoying if a boy destroys a toy?
Grapheme ir (girl, shirt, birthday, firm, stir, circle, thirsty, thirteen, skirt, third.)
Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Write the grapheme ir. Ask your child to say the phoneme and write the grapheme in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Buried Treasure,Dragon's Den,Picnic on Pluto.
Read the following sentences together:
Can a girl put on a skirt that twirls?
Is your birthday the first or the third?
Can a girl annoy a boy?
Tricky words Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked.
Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Practise reading the tricky words Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked.
Train Your Brain Phase 5,and Tricky Word Trucks.
Read the following sentences together, and encourage your child to soundtalk the words. If possible, ask them to write the sentence down on paper or a whiteboard.
Is it Mrs Brown’s birthday today?
Mr Green called today and asked if he can help.
Mr and Mrs Smith looked sad this morning.
Grapheme ue (clue, glue, true, value, venue, statue, rescue, argue)
Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Write the grapheme ue. Ask your child to say the phoneme and write the grapheme in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Play Buried Treasure,Dragon's Den,Picnic on Pluto.
Read the following sentences together:
Can you argue with a statue?
You need to queue until the bus is due.
Is it true that you can get blue glue?
Grapheme aw (saw, draw, hawk, raw, law, awful, claw, yawn, shawl, drawer)
Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Practise reading tricky words: people, their, oh Tricky Word Trucks.
Write the grapheme ea. Ask your child to say the phoneme and write the grapheme in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Read the following sentences together:
Can a paw also be a claw?
Do you stretch your jaw when you yawn?
If you go out on the lawn, will you need a shawl to help you stay warm?