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11/05/2020 Week 5

READING TASKS – Ideas and resources 


Story characters  Create a sock puppet based on a favourite story character. Show your child how to use the puppet to retell the story the character appears in.


Watch this clip again for ideas: How To Retell a Story For Kids



Watch Eric Carle’s "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the Sloth or Rumble in the Jungle. Once your child is familiar with the story, they can read along or join in with familiar sentences.


Watch these clips: Slowly, slowly, slowly said the Sloth and Rumble in the Jungle



In the Garden Ask your child to go and read in a sunny spot in the garden. How did it make them feel reading outside?


Watch this clip: Treasures in the Garden



The Rainforest  ​Some of our everyday food comes from the rainforest. Your child can look in the kitchen cupboards and identify foods with the ‘Rainforest Alliance’ logo.

ResourcesHow to draw the Rainforest Alliance logo and Explore the Rainforest



Chocolate! Help your child to look through cookery books for a recipe involving chocolate. Ask them to use decoding skills to read some of the ingredients. They can learn about where chocolate derives from in this clip:

Resources: How does the cacao tree grow?