11/05/2020 Week 5
WRITING TASKS - Ideas and resources |
MONDAY Thank You Letter Listen to this song on CBeebies or watch Maddie’s Did You Know – Rubbish as a starting point. Discuss rubbish collection and recycling. How important is it? What might happen if the rubbish was not collected regularly? Write a thank you letter to the people who collect your rubbish and recycling.. Think of about including a question about recycling, the items that are collected, or the challenges of the job?
TUESDAY Recycling or General Waste Clip for ideas: Recycling what is the best way to sort recycling waste?. Write a list of items that can be placed in the recycling bin and those that go into the general waste.
WEDNESDAY Recycling Poster Clip: What should I do with my rubbish? Design a poster all about recycling. This could be used as a reminder about the items that you can put in the recycling bin.
THURSDAY Water Uses Clip Snow, ice and water Talk about the uses of water and why we need water? Write some sentences about how you use water at home. Use the ‘Water in My World’ or the PowerPoint on Twinkl to help Resources:
FRIDAY Ways to Save Water. Clips for ideas: The Water. Looking after our planet and Watch this BBC clip Four Top Tips To Save Water. Discuss ways to save water. Create a list of ways to save water at home or sort the cards and decide which activities save or waste water.
Additional resources: |
resources about water: |