01/06/2020 Week 7 WRITING TASKS - Ideas and resources |
THE EARTH Watch these clips as a stimulus: The Planet Earth: Astronomy and Space for Kids – Free School or Planet Earth Watch this BBC Bitesize clip: The Earth
Once your child has watched the clips, ask them to create a list of facts about the earth. They can number their facts and write them as golden sentences, including a capital letters and finger spaces.
Try the alphabetical countries activity. (Change the challenge by choosing 3 countries from the list at a time to order.)
- Alphabetical Ordering PowerPoint
- Alphabetical Countries activity
- Where am I on the map? Talk to your child about where they live. Materials to support: Our planet Earth – continents and oceans, Google Earth Ask your child to make a booklet about where they live by writing a series of statements (use the ‘Where am I on the map?’ template as a guide)
- I live on planet ___________
- My continent is ____________
- My country is _______________
- My county is __________________
- My city is_______________________
- This is my house and my family.
- Google Earth
- ‘Where am I on the map?’ template
Where does our food come from? Investigate where the fruit and vegetables in your kitchen comes from. Look at the labels on packaging. Draw some pictures of different pieces of fruit. Label the name of the fruit, where in the world it came from and use adjectives to describe it. E.g. A fresh, juicy orange form Spain. (Or use the template to support) Use the following clips as a stimulus for ideas: BBC Clip Where does our food come from? Or BBC News round How much do you know about where fruit comes from?
- Where is your fruit from? (template)
Visit the Literacy Shed for the wonderful resource The Black Cat. Try one of the activities in the pack. Write a description of the boy’s home in the woods; or write a story about another child discovering the hat and what happens when they leave it next to their bed overnight; or Write a letter from a caged bird to the boy explaining asking to be set free.
- The Black Hat Activity Pack
Can your child write a letter, postcard or an e-mail to a friend or a family member who lives in a different part of the world? They may want to describe where they live and their school or the activities they have been doing at home. Think of some questions they would like to ask. they have been doing at home or talk about the things that they are missing about school. Use the letter or postcard template. Once it is complete, take a photo of it and share it with your teacher via the class Dojo - we would love to hear more about what you have been up to!
- Postcard writing template