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22/06/2020  Week 10

WRITING TASKS - Ideas and resources


TYPES OF TRANSPORT Discuss different types of transport with your child? How many  different types can they think of?  What are they called?  Look at the Transport Photo PowerPoint.  Chat about the different modes of transport: What are they called?  Who uses them?  How are they powered?   Watch An Animated History of Transportation for further ideas.

Ask your child to draw some pictures of a vehicle they are interested in and write some interesting facts. For example:  What is the vehicle made from? How is it powered? How does it move? What is it used for?  Does it have any special features?


  • Transport Photo PowerPoint 
  • Transport writing activity



TRANSPORT THROUGH TIME  Talk about different journeys: to school; to the shops; to see family, to go on holiday etc.  How did you travel to reach your destination? Share some travelling stories and talk about how you got there. Look at the Transport  - old and new PowerPoint, comparing transport from the past and present.  Write some sentences comparing different vehicles from the past and present.  (Writing Template)


  • Transport Old and New PowerPoint
  • Comparing Past and Present Transport Writing Template



THE JOURNEY  Get into gear by listening to Mr. Gumpy’s Motor Car by John Burningham, watch Naughty Bus  or read together Journey to School Poem.  Task your child with writing about a journey.  Ask them to think about the destination and how they will travel there.  Challenge them to think about the things that they will experience on their way: sights, sounds, smells, etc.  How will they feel? What unexpected events will take place?


  • Journey to School Poem
  • Transport page border



ROAD SAFETY Watch clip: King of the Road.  Share ideas about how to stay safe when crossing the road.  Challenge your child to complete the Crossing the Road Safely PowerPoint.  Ask your child to create a road safety poster about how to cross the road safely.  Include a set of simple instructions on how to stay safe when crossing the road. Remember to include simple instructions and some adverbs such as: carefully, slowly, cautiously.   

Additional activities you might want to try.  Share the story of Bansi the Best for idea.  Quiz - Crossing the Road Safe or Unsafe (PowerPoint)



  • Crossing the Road Safely PowerPoint
  • Transport page border (unlined)
  • Story of Bansi the Best for ideas (pdf)
  • Crossing the Road Safe or Unsafe PowerPoint



THE BRIDGE  Visit The Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Bridge, lots of different activities to try.  Alternatively, your child can write a list poem about a bicycle, a boat, an aeroplane, a train or even a submarine.

E.g. Wooden tracks sleep, roaring wheels charge, smokey engines burn,


  • The Bridge Activity Pack KS1