29/06/2020 Week 11
MATHS TASKS - Ideas and resources
Place Value - Begin by playing this game looking at place value. Ask your child to say how many tens there are and then now many ones and work out the number.
Explain that 3 tens would be 30, and adding 4 ones would make it 30 + 4 = 34. Repeat with different examples. Next, on a piece of paper make a grid that has a tens column and a ones column. Give your child a number between 1 and 99 and ask them to draw or represent this number on the grid. Finally once they have got the grasp of it, use the place value Bingo Boards. Play against your child and if possible, have a third person to be the caller using the word list. Each time a number is correctly identified, cover it up with a counter. Good luck!
- Bingo Boards
- Counters
- Word list.
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 1: Counting to 100
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 11 Day 1: Count in 2s, 5s and 10s (1)
Place Value and Addition - Ask your child to play the game Fruit Fall. Ask your child to slide the man left and right in order to catch as much fruit as possible. Once you have caught them look at the pictogram together and answer the data handling questions.
Next use this activity and challenge your child to use the tens and ones to make different numbers. Begin by asking them to make 8, then 18, then 28 and so on. If you feel they understand, challenge them to make 128.
Next show them this activity and ask them to work out the addition calculation by adding the total number of tens and the total number of ones. Finally, select from the worksheets below an activity suitable for your child.
- How many tens and ones?
- Counting with Pictures Differentiated
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 2: Recognising Coins
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 11 Day 2: Count in 2s, 5s and 10s (2)
Play place value bingo again but this time ask your child to write down 8 numbers between 1 and 50 (this could be between 1 and 20 for younger children). Rather than reading out numbers, read out clues linked to the place value. E.g. for 47 say the ones is a 7 and the tens digit can be said as forty. Can your child recognise the number and cross it off?
- Place value tens and ones to 100 cut and-stick
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 3: Recognising Notes
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 11 Day 3: Multiplication
Show the Place Value dienes PowerPoint. See how quickly your child can identify the numbers on the screen as they come up. Next say a number between 1 and 9, and ask your child to write it down. Ask them to write the next 5 numbers counting up in 10s (16, 26, 36 etc). Repeat sevel times with different starting numbes. Next say a larger number such as 42, and ask your child to write it down and then write the next 5 numbers counting up in 10s (52, 62, 72, etc). Finally ask your child to complete the sheet Lily Pad Counting in Tens.
- Place Value dienes PowerPoint
- Lily Pad Counting in Tens
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 4: Counting Money
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 11 Day 4: Sorting Objects
Place Value and Money - Begin by playing this game to familiarise your child with different coins. Next look at this activity for adding coins together. Ask your child to follow the same principles of adding tens and ones. Add the total number of tens and then the total number of ones, and add the two together. Click on the equals sign to see if you have the correct answer.
Next play this game and ask your child to pay for the items using a mixture of coins. Begin by using 10p and 1p coins, and then use combinations of other coins. e.g. 10p + 5p + 2p = 17p. Pay also for items costing more than £1 using the right coins. Finish by completing the Money and place value differentiated activity. Ask your child to write how much money there is, e.g. 55p, and then show this using tens and ones. They can draw a line for the tens and a dot for the ones.
- Money and place value differentiated
Focused tasks:
BBC Bitesize Lesson Focus: Day 5: Challenge of the Week.
Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 11 Day 5: Sorting 3-D shapes
Maths games on-line
- Place Value Basketball(To practise place value by adding tens and ones)
- Place Value Charts(To practise place value by adding tens and ones.
- Shark Numbers(To practise place value by adding tens and ones)
- Shapes in Space(To identify the properties of 2D shapes)
- Tally Chart game(To answer questions based on a tally chart)
- Geoboard(To make geometric 3D shapes using the virtual elastic bands)
- Paint the squares(To paint the squares when counting in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s etc.
- Double and Half(To practise doubles and halves of numbers to 10 and beyond)
- Maths Fishing(To recall and use all doubles of numbers to 10)