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Reception Themes and Topics Autumn 2

Autumn 2


This half term we will be learning all about the different people in our community who help us.

We have arranged a variety of visits into school to speak to us over the next half term. We have invited a  dentist, a fire fighter, a vet, a police officer, a nurse, an optician,  Mr Shaw and Mrs Wilson.


Remember to follow all our learning adventure on Seesaw. 


Also this half term we will be inviting parents in for our first stay and play. This is a great opportunity to speak to staff, share our learning space and enjoy lots of fun activities in our setting. 


We finish the half term celebrating Chanukah! 


We can't wait to start our next adventure!


Some of the themes, topics and key texts we will be covering this half term:


Bonfire Night and fireworks

The Great Pet Sale

Non-fiction books all about different people who help us

Burglar Bill

Hanukkah Bear

Hey Little Ant

Remembrance Sunday 

People Who Help Us: Mrs Shaw, Mrs Wilson, a fire fighter, a dentist, a vet, an optician, a nurse and a police officer. 

Road Safety

Fire Safety

Germs and washing our hands

Looking after our pets

Looking after our teeth, making healthy choices with our snacks

What to do in an emergency and what to do if we need to call 999