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29/06/2020 Week 12

MATHS TASKS  - Ideas and resources


Warm up task: Money -  Lay out each of the different types of coins. (1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2).  Challenge your child to name each of the coins and to write down their value. Can they order the coins from smallest to largest?  What do they notice about the colour of the coins and their values?   Play Spot the coins


  • Recognising coins PowerPoint
  • Coin recognition activity
  • Coin ordering activity


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 1: Find half of objects


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 12 Day 1:]Solve division problems by finding how many sets  



Warm up task: Shopping - Ask your child to play the Coin Game .  First challenge them to recognize and sort the coins in to the money box. Second, challenge them to order the coins from lowest value to highest value. Third challenge them to count coins in to the money box to reach a set amount. 

Try Toy Shop  Ask your child to pay the correct amount for items on the screen by choosing the correct coin or coins.


  • How much money is in my jar? Activity sheets.


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 2: Find half of amounts


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 12 Day 2: Link multiplication and division using the concepts of sets of sets



Warm up task: Money Sort Lay out a range of different kinds of coins and challenge your child to sort them in different ways.  Ask them to think about the shapes, sizes, colours, etc. How many different ways can they sort the coins?  Also ask them whether the size of the coin affects their value – e.g. is 2p more than 5p because it is bigger?


  • Make the total


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 3: Find quarter of objects


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 12 Day  3: Solve multiplication and division problems



Warm up task: More or Less Tens On piece of paper write or draw different money amounts or use coins if you have some (stick to just pence or pounds) and put them in to piles.  Pile A and Pile B.  Get your child to compare them using the symbols < (less than), > (greater than) or = (equal to) and justify how they know that 32p  >  12p    because 3 tens are bigger than 1 ten.



  • Comparing coins activity
  • Who has the most money? Activity.


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 4: Find quarter of objects


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 12 Day 4: Compare/measure capacities of containers



Birthdays On a calendar, go through and write down when different family members birthdays are or when special event are happening in your family.  Which month/months has the most/least birthdays/events?  Your child can make a bar chart or pictogram to show how many birthdays there are in your family for each of the months


  • Monthly Calendar Planning Template
  • Block diagram template


Focused tasks:

BBC Bitesize ​Lesson Focus: Day 5: Challenge of the Week.


Hamilton Trust Year 1 Maths Week 12 Day  5: Compare/measure capacities of containers


Maths Games on-line