29/06/2020 Week 11
Phase 5c
We are now revisiting Phase 5c - practicing the alternative pronunciations of graphemes and identifying words that are real or not real when reading.
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Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Practise the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘ai’.
Write the grapheme ‘ai’ together. Review the alternative pronunciations - a_e, ay, ai, eigh, a, and ey.
Read the following words together and identify the different graphemes; mate, grades, delay, trails, weight, grey, late, dismay, snail, baby.
Read the following sentences
Snakes and ladders is a good game to play.
If a lady, in a grey apron, is on a train that gets delayed, should she complain? Can a snail get on a plane to go away on holiday?
Challenge your child to cut out and sort the ai sorting words into the ai sorting grid or play word sort.
- ai sorting words
- ai sorting grid
Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Look again at the grapheme ‘ai’ together. Review the alternative pronunciations - a_e, ay, ai, eigh, a, and eyand the words mate, grades, delay, trails, weight, grey, late, dismay, snail, baby.
Read the following sentences
I ate eight rashers of bacon today.
Should you always obey and do what your mates say?
How much do you think a whale's brain would weigh?
Challenge your child to use the ai phoneme spotter.
- ai phoneme spotter
Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Practise the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘c’
Write the words cat, lick, kit, box, school, fox, queen. Ask your child to sound talk and read them. Which phoneme do all these words contain?
Challenge your child to sort words into lists by the way the ‘c’ grapheme in the C Alternative Pronunciation Sorting Game
Ask your child to read the following sentences
The quick fox kicks like a cat.
A box of cookies is quite cool.
Can a skunk quack like a duck?
- C Alternative Pronunciation Sorting Game
Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Practise the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘ee’.
Write the grapheme ‘ee’ together. Review the alternative pronunciations – ey, ee, e, y, ea, ie. Read the following words together and identify the different graphemes; money, teeth, he, very, silly, teach, sea, thief, chief.
Ask your child to read the following sentences
The chief jumped in the deep freezing sea with a squeak.
He had a dream about magic beans that made him scream.
The beast machine ate a feast of green peas.
Challenge your child to cut out and sort the ee sorting words into the ee sorting grid or play word sort.
- ee sorting words
- ee sorting grid
Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Review the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘ee’
Ask your child to read the following sentences
The lazy donkey went to sleep on the beach.
The sleepy puppy came to eat a meat treat by my feet.
Maybe the thief is jolly or maybe he's mean.
Challenge your child to use the ‘ee’ phoneme spotter.
- ee phoneme spotter