18/05/2020 Week 6
Phase 5a
We are continuing to revisit Phase 5 phonic sounds. As these sounds are digraphs (contain two letters) it can be a challenge for the children to remember them, especially when later on in Phase 5 when we will be learning alternative spellings for the same sound (e.g. ou, ow, ough etc.)
You can visit Phonics play, a website that is used often in school, and access it during this period for free using the following login and username. The activities to look for in phonics play are highlighted in blue.
Username: march20 Password: home
MONDAY Focus: review of graphemes ‘wh’ and ‘ph’
Review of sounds learned so far. Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Write the graphemes ‘wh’ and ‘ph’ together. Ask your child to say the phonemes, and write the graphemes in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Bank of words to choose from: when, phonics, which, dolphin, wheel, graphics, whenever, alphabet, whisper, graph, white, elephant.
Play Buried Treasure, Dragon's Den, Picnic on Pluto.
Read the following sentences together:
Which is a dolphin better at, jumping or swimming?
Phonics is about sounds. I can whisper them or say them aloud.
When will you take a photo of a big wheel?
- Quick read PowerPoint ‘wh’ words
- ‘wh’ slider activity
- Quick read PowerPoint ‘ph’ words
- ‘ph’ words real or nonsense words
TUESDAY Focus: review of grapheme ‘ew’
Review of sounds learned so far. Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Write the grapheme ‘ew’ together. Ask your child to say the phoneme, and write the grapheme in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Bank of words to choose from: blew, screw, nephew, grew, threw, stew, flew, drew, brew, few
Play Buried Treasure, Dragon's Den, Picnic on Pluto.
Read the following sentences together:
A balloon blew up in the air and flew away.
My nephew is called Drew.
What can you do if you find a screw in your stew?
- Quick read PowerPoint ‘ew’ words
- ‘ew’ add the sound buttons
WEDNESDAY Focus: tricky words for spelling said, so, have like.
Review of sounds learned so far. Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Practise reading and spelling the tricky words said, so, have like.
Play Train Your Brain Phase 5,andTricky Word Trucks.
Read the following sentences:
My nephew said the alphabet.
Will a dolphin whisper so that he can have a throat sweet?
An elephant said he flew like a bird. Do you think that is true?
Challenge your child to record it on a white board, chalk board or on paper. Encourage your child to sound talk the tricky words
- Phase 5a wk. 1-3 Tricky Words PowerPoint
THURSDAY Focus: review of graphemes ‘oe’ and ‘au’
Review of sounds learned so far. Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Write the graphemes ‘oe’ and ‘au’. Ask your child to say the phonemes, and write the graphemes in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Bank of words to choose from: toe, goes, launch, August, foe, potatoes, tomatoes, haunted, author, haul
Play Buried Treasure, Dragon's Den, Picnic on Pluto.
Read the following sentences together:
Can a toe be jaunty?
Can a rocket launch in August?
Will a haunted venue make you scream?
- Quick read PowerPoints ‘oe’ and ‘au’ words
- Grapheme work books ‘oe’ and ‘au’ sounds
FRIDAY Focus: review of grapheme ‘ey’
Review of sounds learned so far. Play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.
Write the grapheme ‘ey’ together. Ask your child to say the phoneme, and write the grapheme in the air, on the floor, or on your back.
Bank of words to choose from: money, honey, donkey, jokey, cockney, turkey, trolley, chimney
Play Buried Treasure, Dragon's Den, Picnic on Pluto.
Read the following sentences together:
Can a jockey win on a donkey?
Will a girl put a trolley in a turkey?
Did Santa get stuck up the chimney?
- Quick read PowerPoint ‘ey’ words
- ‘ey’ real or nonsense words