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15/06/2020 Week 9

Phase 5b

We are continuing to revisit Phase 5b -  practicing the alternative pronunciations of graphemes and identifying words that are real or not real when reading.

Visit Phonics play and access for free using the login details: 

Username: march20 Password: home



Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.


Practise the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘ow’.

Write the grapheme ‘ow’ together.  Review the alternative pronunciations and write the words: cow, owl, brown, crown, frown, low, bowl, snow, window, show.  

Challenge your child to cut out and sort the words in the ow sorting game into two lists by the way it is pronounced. 

Play:  Acorn Adventures


Read the following sentences

Is a brown owl at the window? 

Did the cow put his food in a bowl? 

Can a shadow be brown? 



  • Phase 5b alternative spellings PowerPoint ow
  • ow alternative pronunciation sorting game



Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.


Practise the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘ie’.

Write the grapheme ‘ie’ together and write the words: pie, fried, cried, denied, replied, chief, thief, shield, belief, shriek.  Challenge your child to sort words into lists by the way the ‘ie’ grapheme is pronounced. 

Play:  Cheeky Chimps


Read the following sentences

Will a chief shriek with relief in a field? 

A thief cried and denied his crime. 

A priest and a chief ate fried pies.



  • Phase 5b alternative spellings PowerPoint ie
  • ie alternative pronunciation Roll and Read Mat



Review tricky words for spelling water, where, who, again, thought, through, work, mouse. 


Practise reading and spelling the tricky words

Play Train Your Brain Phase 5 and Tricky Word Trucks.


Read the following sentences

Who thought they saw a mouse swimming through the water again? 

Where do you work? 

Where is the little mouse who likes to splash? 



  • Phase 5b wk. 2 Tricky Words PowerPoint 



Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.


Practise the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘ea’

Write the grapheme ‘ea’ together and write the words sea, meat, treat, steam, repeat, head, deaf, bread, feather, instead. Challenge your child to sort words into lists by the way the ‘ea’ grapheme is pronounced. 

Play:  Acorn Adventures


Ask your child to read the following sentences 

Is bread a treat or do you dread it? 

Will a deaf cat bleat to get treats? 

Can reading a book freak you out?



  • Phase 5b alternative spellings PowerPoint ea
  • ea phoneme spotter postcard



Review the sounds learnt so far and play Flashcards: Speed Trial and Flashcards: Time Challenge.


Review the alternative pronunciation of grapheme ‘er’

Write the grapheme ‘er’ together and write the words letter, hammer, ladder, feather, boxer, herbs, stern, germ, her.  Challenge your child to sort words into lists by the way the ‘er’ grapheme is pronounced. 

Play:  Cheeky Chimps


Read the following sentences

Can a farmer grow herbs? 

Did a boxer hit a fern with a hammer? 

Can a stern rocker get up a ladder?



  • Phase 5b alternative spellings PowerPoint er
  • er alternative pronunciation sorting game