06/07/2020 Week 10
READING TASKS – Ideas and resources
Create a Celebration Reading Den. What will your child have in there? Maybe balloons or bunting? Can your child find any books about celebrations to enjoy in their new reading den? Why not visit and use the class login Username: year one king david Password: Oxford owl Look for the book Special Days Poems, look at the contents page. Discuss what your child knows about the celebrations listed. Share some of the poems in the Reading Den.
Read the story Kipper’s Birthday. Talk to your child about the similarities and differences with their own birthday celebrations. Design an invitation or a birthday cake for Kipper’s Birthday Party
Birthday cake design template
Kipper’s Birthday invitation
Show your child some celebration cards that they have received in the past. Ask them to read the messages out loud, including any poems or verses.
Visit again (use the class login Username: year one king david Password: Oxford owl). Share the story Happy Birthday Winnie. Have a go at some of the activities in the Winnie The Witch Activity Booklet.
- Winnie The Witch Activity Booklet
Ask your child to listen to the story Hanukkah Bear. By Eric Gimmel. Ask them to show how carefully they were listening and what they have learned by drawing a picture and labelling it.