18/05/2020 Week 6 WRITING TASKS - Ideas and resources |
Once your child has listened to ‘Royal Tea’ ask them to create a list of questions that they’d like to ask Benjamin Zephaniah about his visit to the palace. They can number their questions and write them as golden sentences, including a capital letter, finger spaces and a question mark at the end.
- Question words display poster
- Question mark or full-stop activity
Ask your child to write their very own royal adventure story. They can write in role as a king, queen, prince, princess, knight, servant or anyone else they can think of! As a good starting point, use the story grid to work out and draw the main sections of the story, and remember to include a good beginning, middle and end to make it super exciting!
- Story writing grid
When your child has completed their royal adventure story, they can design a cartoon strip and use short sentences or captions to accompany their drawings. Alternatively they can design their own front cover for their story and write on their name as both ‘author’ and ‘illustrator’.
- Comic strip frame
- Book cover template
Can your child write a letter, postcard or email to their teacher? They may want to describe what they have been doing at home or talk about the things that they are missing about school. Use the letter or postcard template. Once it is complete, take a photo of it and share it with your teacher via the class Dojo - we would love to hear more about what you have been up to!
- Postcard writing template
- Letter to Teacher writing template
Visit the Literacy Shed for this wonderful resource on The Clocktower. Or they could write a description of Buckingham Palace using this image.Things to consider: Who lives there? What colours can you see in the image? What is the building made of? How big is it? What shapes can you see in the design of the building