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08/06/2020  Week 8

WRITING TASKS - Ideas and resources


Instruments of the Orchestra.   Watch clips on the BBC’s Discovering Music - Instruments of the Orchestra or Twinkl Musical Instrument Videos PowerPoint. Listen to some of the BBC Ten Pieces  orchestral clips.   Discuss what they have listened to and challenge  them to write a few sentences in response to the following questions

  • What is your favourite musical instrument? Can you explain why?

My favourite musical instruments are ___________________________________

  • What instrument would you like to play? Why?

I want to learn to play the _______________________  because  ___________________________.

  • What type of music do you like to listen to?

I like listening to ______________________________ .

  • What is your favourite piece of music or song? How does it make you feel?

My favourite song is ____________________________.  It makes me feel  ___________________.


Musical Instrument Videos PowerPoint. 

BBC Clips – Ten Pieces



EMOTIONS Music can influence our moods and our emotions.  Different pieces of music mean different things to different people.  Discuss with your child what type of music they most enjoy listening to.  What do they think about music? Is it important in their life? How does music make them feel?  Do they have favourite songs or tune?  Listen to some of the pieces of classical music and write some reactions to each piece they hear in the cloud template.  How does the music make them feel? Do any images come in to their mind?   Encourage your child to draw ideas and use the emotion poster or word bank to support.  Challenge your child to write a reflection of their thoughts using the writing template. 


  • Classical Music for Emotions (list of links).
  • Emotions poster
  • My Feelings word mat
  • Music reflections writing template



Musical Words.  Make an A to z list of musical vocabulary.  This could include instruments, artists or musical verbs.  Listen to some of your favourite tunes for inspiration.Challenge your child to apply some of these words in to sentences.  Can they create an acrostic poem with each new line beginning with the letters M, U, S, I, and C?

BBC Bitesize clip for ideas


  • Music sentence template
  • Music page borders



PETER AND THE WOLF Today, many stories are set to music. In 1936, Sergei Prokofiev, a Russian composer,  wrote a symphony for the Children’s Theatre in Moscow it was created to build children’s interest in orchestral music.  It remains very popular today.  Listen to the symphony and the story of Peter and The Wolf narrated by David Bowie.  (Allow 20 minutes for whole piece.  You may prefer to listen up to 09:00 mins and finish off at another time).  Challenge your child to listen carefully to the sounds and identify the orchestral instruments used for each of the characters in the story.(Use the matching template to support).  Which orchestral instrument do they think best matched the character? 

Discuss the character Peter.  What sort of boy is he?  What questions would they like to ask him?  Consider the question words who, what, where, when, how, and why?  Challenge your child to write some questions to ask Peter.


  • Peter and The Wolf background
  • Peter and The Wolf Matching activity
  • Tips for Posing Questions PowerPoint



PETER AND THE WOLF (continued) .  Finish watching the story if you have not done so. Ask your child to recall the story of Peter and The Wolf narrated by David Bowie in their own words. Remind them of the characters and the instruments used for each one.  (Use the link or PowerPoint as a support to prompt the discussion.)  Which orchestral instrument would your child choose to represent themselves,  and why?  Challenge your child to write a description of one of the characters in the story.


  • Peter and The Wolf PowerPoint (music link )